1. Google for Startups
Campuses are where technology startups find the best of Google, with free trainings and mentoring, and a diverse community of like-minded problem solvers. Our Campuses have support for teams to make progress on their big ideas.
2. Y Combinator
Y Combinator在每年都會舉辦兩次為期三個月的「課程」,在課程期間會接受諮商輔導等等。除此之外,Y Combinator亦會舉行每星期一次晚餐聚會,所有該期課程的參與團隊會聚在一起互相分享感想和交流心得,或會請來成功的創業家到場演講;另外亦有一個被稱為「Office Hour」的會議,參與團隊需要直接和創辦人保羅·格雷厄姆或Y Combinator的合作夥伴會談,而且受面試的團隊要接受嚴格的檢視。[8]
在課程的最後Y Combinator會定立一天為演示日,在當天美國矽谷的天使投資者以及其他風險投資公司將會到場觀看各個初創公司的產品演示[9]。而出席的投資者包括有規模較大的投資公司如紅杉資本、以至一些個人天使投資者如美國演員艾希頓·庫奇等等。
3. Founder Institute
The Founder Institute is the world's largest pre-seed startup accelerator, having helped launch over 4,500 companies across 200+ cities and six continents.
The company was founded in 2009 by serial entrepreneur Adeo Ressi and his colleague, Jonathan Greechan. The idea for the program spawned from operating TheFunded.com, where it became apparent that most entrepreneurs at the idea and launch stages lacked the structure, feedback, and support network needed to be successful.
News of the launch was announced on TechCrunch, the first Founder Institute program methodology was crowdsourced by over 10,000 CEO members of TheFunded.com, and the inaugural program started in May 2009 in a small classroom at Stanford University. There were originally no plans to expand beyond Silicon Valley, but upon receiving immense inbound interest to launch the program in other cities, the Founder Institute began to expand. Today the program operates across 200 + cities and is localized into 9 languages.
In total, Founder Institute Alumni have raised over $950M and are worth an estimated $30B.