

活動名稱 澳洲失智症照護政策與實務

活動日期:2021-09-02 12:06 PM~2021-12-31 05:00 PM

報名截止:2021-09-10 05:00 PM




通過iSupport項目,加強澳洲與大中華地區在失智症照護的研究合作線上研討會|新南威爾斯大學Scientia Prof. Henry Brodaty
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88443558198?pwd=aVlHN3RkOWdXRGpYTGFOY3pDR1FKUT09

Henry Brodaty是一位研究者、臨床醫生、政策 顧問、失智症患者及其照顧者之倡議者。他是 悉尼新南威爾斯大學的老化與精神健康Scientia Professor、健康大腦老化中心共同主任、失智 症研究合作中心主任、悉尼威爾斯親王醫院的 資深老年精神科醫生。他有許多的出版品,亦 參與多個新南威爾斯州、澳洲政府及世界衛生 組織的委員會。
他曾為國際老年精神醫學會主席、國際失智症協會主席、澳洲失 智症協會及澳洲新南威爾斯失智症協會主席。於2000年獲頒澳洲 官佐勛章;2006年獲得Ryman Prize,以表揚其對改善老年族群生 活品質的發展及成就。
Henry Brodaty is a researcher, clinician, policy advisor and strong advocate for people with dementia and their carers. At UNSW Sydney, he is Scientia Professor of Ageing and Mental Health, Co-Director of the Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing, and Director, Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration. He has published extensively, is a senior psychogeriatrician at Prince of Wales Hospital, Sydney. He serves on multiple committees for the NSW and Australian governments and WHO.
He was previously President of International Psychogeriatric Association, Chairman of Alzheimer’s Disease International, and President of Alzheimer’s Australia NSW and Australia. In 2000 he became an Officer of the Order of Australia and in 2016 received the Ryman Prize for the world’s best development, advance or achievement that enhances quality of life for older people.